Monday, February 7, 2011

Pretty and Prosperous Profile: Latisha Williams

What do you do?
I DO a lot, but who I am is...a voice. Whatever title I choose to use today: Mom, Voiceover Actress, Writer, Philanthropist, Frugalicious always comes down using what I have on the inside to inform and inspire others.

What steps did you take to get where you are today?
I just kept going. I wrote it down and made it happen. I once read a book called Write it Down Make it Happen. When I ran across that book and started reading, The Law of Attraction was introduced to me at that time. These dreams have always been in my heart, but I was too afraid to go and be something different from the norm, what everyone expected. You know, with more self reflection you get to know who you are as a person and those things in your heart begin to unfold for you. I wrote down my dreams, goals and aspirations. They don’t always come when I think they’re coming, but I am always prepared to write them down.

What was the defining moment when you knew if you didn’t change you would never reach your goal?
Back in 2007, I was at a job that I no longer enjoyed. I'd spoken of moving to Chicago several times, but again...I was afraid. One day an old friend came by to bid on a contract there and she asked about me...stating she knew I wanted to move to Chicago. One of my coworkers told her very sarcastically, “Oh that never happened for her.” That was the moment my fire was lit and I knew I had to get out of here. I did end up in Chicago, but it was very short lived. The fact that I finally jumped at the chance to get up and go, gave me the courage to do what I needed to do from that point forward.

Did you always know you would get here?
Yes, I always knew that there was something bigger. I knew I was always destined to be something greater. I thank God that I've ever evolving and that I am able to use my voice to influence the world.

Did you have a plan?
No, I never have a plan. My plan is Write it Down, Make it Happen. Whatever that tends to entail is always something different. When I started modeling back in 2003, I met a model who was booking jobs constantly. She taught me a very valuable lesson: you have to keep going through your “no's” until you get to your “yes”. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and I don’t believe in missed  opportunities. Things work out the way they’re supposed to, ALWAYS.  It’s really about your own personal drive; You believe it, you will get there.

What kind of distractions did you have to deal with or overcome?
My own, all of the distractions were my own. Procrastinating and just not believing in myself. You don’t push harder because in the back of your mind you’re scared and staying in that fear is comfortable. People are scared of failure but people are also afraid of success. We have to learn that we have the tools on the inside of us. Whatever it is you're supposed to be doing you can do it. Don’t you know you’re great?

How much of an impact did others play in your decision making during your building process?
People play a very large role in my life and are a great deal of influence in building the person I am today!!  Some negative, but I use that as an elevation tool. I’m fortunate enough to have people that speak life into me and my dreams. They cheer for me. And I cheer for them. I think people make the difference for me. A lot of what I do is based on people. I use my voice to inspire others and those others are important. My creative coach broke some things down for me. She did a diagram: one for head and one for heart. The heart is what God says about you...the truth about you. The head are the other people who are outside influences. The head just wants to be heard; it may or may not be right. Once you recognize what the head says then it connects with the heart. It’s okay that other people have things to say to and about you even if what they say may not be all true. You should always go with what your heart says. You can’t always take what someone says about you as who you are. The heart knows (the God in you) who you truly are.

Were there times when you wanted to give up?
Absolutely. There were times when I was impatient. It was very frustrating when I was working for someone else. I knew I needed to get out of that job. I was working on some things then because I knew I was going to need to transition out of that job quickly; it got to the point where I was crying at night. Then a ray of sunshine came...I was laid off. I was elated!! It gave me time. The job that I hated so much helped me to fund my dream. As I look at it as a whole, I’m grateful for the entire process and all I had to endure.

What made you keep pushing towards your goal?
Because I knew there was a greater place for me. That’s just me. I’m always going to be pushing for the goal and there will always be more goals. At this point it’s easy but necessary because I’m doing it full time. I didn't do it as much before because I had my trusty job to fall back on. Now, my reputation is out there and I want to be a good one out there.

What advice can you give other women who are striving for their own goals?
Write it down, make it happen. It is my goal for life. People have to know that whatever goals they have, they can achieve them. They have what they need to make it happen. Why spend your life being miserable when you don’t have to? Take a chance, put yourself out there and pursue your dreams. I want women to be assured that it’s okay to live your best life!!

How do you feel about where you are today?
I feel really good. Every day is a new adventure. I never know what’s going to come out of my mouth or my pen. It’s a good place, an open place. I’m ready to receive what’s out there for me. I'm confident in the fact that its going be good. Ladies!! Make the decision that this is how it’s going to be. Decide to live well or decide to struggle.  It's very simple.

I am very big on affirmations. I would advise anybody that is writing down and making plans to use these daily. Always have affirmations about family, money, life, whatever and declare that those good things are coming into your life. Put it anywhere you can to be reminded. Keep it close so when you get discouraged you can be reminded that you are bound to be great!!

For more information on Latisha:
For Frugalicious Living:
For Voiceover Inquiries:

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